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ymark Like mark, but with vertical collision avoidance
Call signature:

ymark(xx, yy, rx, ry=None)

Help text:

ymark(xx, yy, rx, ry) tries to draw marks at (xx, yy), but displaces marks vertically in steps of rx points to avoid collision within an ellipse with radii rx and ry. (Leaving out ry uses a circle with radius rx.)


import qplot as qp

import numpy as np

qp.figure('ymark', 3, 3)

qp.marker('o', fill='solid')

for y in range(3):

        xx = np.random.randn(30) + y

        qp.ymark(xx, y + np.zeros_like(xx), rx=6)

QPlot Documentation — (C) Daniel Wagenaar, 2014–2023