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caligraph Draw a variable-width line series in data space
Call signature:

caligraph(xx, yy, ww)

Help text:

caligraph(xx, yy, ww) plots the data yy vs xx. xx and yy are given in data coordinates. ww specifies the line width at each point, in postscript points.
The line is rendered in the current pen's color; dash patterns and cap and join styles are not used.


import qplot as qp

import numpy as np

qp.figure('caligraph', 3, 3)

qp.plot([0, 1], [0, 0])

qp.plot([0, 0], [0, 1])

qp.plot([0, -1/3], [0, -2/3])

phi = np.linspace(-.9*np.pi, .9*np.pi, 100)

xx = np.sin(phi)

yy = -np.cos(phi)

ww = 1.5*(1-yy)

xx = xx/10

yy = 1 + yy/30

qp.caligraph(xx, yy, ww)[-1], yy[-1], along=(xx[-1]-xx[-2], yy[-1]-yy[-2]))


qp.arrow(6, 4, -2, 1.5)


QPlot Documentation — (C) Daniel Wagenaar, 2014–2023