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qtextonpath Place text along a path
Help text:

qtextonpath(xx, yy, text) places the text along a path (xx, yy) defined in data coordinates.
qtextonpath(xx, yy, dy, text) shifts the text down by dy pts in its local vertical direction.
qtextonpath(xx, yy, dx, dy, text) shifts the text right by dx and down by dy pts in its local direction.
qtextonpath does not use coordinates set by qat, but it does respect alignment set by qalign.
In the present version, qtextonpath only accepts plain Unicode; not any of the special characters sequences accepted by qtext.


qfigure('qtextonpath', 3, 3);

xx = [0:.01:10];

yy = cos(xx);

qpen 1

qplot(xx, yy);

qylim -10 10

qfont Helvetica 14

qalign center base

qtextonpath(xx, yy, -3, 'This text follows the curve');


QPlot Documentation — (C) Daniel Wagenaar, 2014–2019