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qcaxis Plot colorbar axis
Help text:

qcaxis([c0 c1], cc) plots a colorbar axis with ticks at represented values cc with the bar stretching to c0 and c1. (cc may be empty.)
qcaxis(cc) calculates c0 and c1 from cc.
qcaxis(..., lbls) where lbls is either a cell array or numeric vector the same size as cc overrides the default tick labels. Labels are suppressed if lbls is empty.
qcaxis(..., ttl) adds a title to the axis.
qcaxis normally places the axis to the right or below the color bar, but if the color bar was created with negative width, the axis goes to the left or above instead.
qcaxis(dir, ...), where dir is one of 'l', 't', 'b', or 'r', overrides the default location.
In all cases, qcaxis must follow qvcbar or qhcbar.

qcaxis interprets settings from qticklen, qtextdist, and qaxshift differently from qxaxis and qyaxis: positive values are away from the colorbar.
Note that currently qmticks doesn't understand about this convention, so qmticks will produce unexpected results when used with qcaxis.


qfigure('qcaxis', 3, 3);

xx = repmat([1:10], 10, 1);

yy = xx';

zz = cos(xx).*sin(yy);

qimsc([0 0 1 1], zz, -1, 1);

qat 1 0

qcbar(10, [], 10, 0, 1);

qcaxis([-1:1:1], {'negv', '0', 'posv'});

qcaxis('l', [-1:.2:1],{});

qat 0 0

qcbarh([], 10, 0, 10, 1);


qcaxis('t', [-1:.5:1],{});


QPlot Documentation — (C) Daniel Wagenaar, 2014–2019